Last week I finished my first batch of Raspberry Jam for this year. Since it is so easy to do I thought I would share it here.
What you will need:
- 5 cups of crushed raspberries
- 7 cups sugar
- 1 package Sure Jell Fruit Pectin
- sterilized canning jars and new lids
- a canner or large stockpot
1. Mix the crushed raspberries and pectin together.
2. Bring to a boil using high heat.
3. Add sugar all at once.
4. Bring to a full boil (one that cannot be stirred down) and boil for one minute
5. Remove from heat and skim foam from top.
6. Skim for 5 minutes to prevent floating fruit
7. Fill sterilized jars leaving 1/4 inch headspace.
8. Clean rim (necessary for a good seal) and tighten with rings.
9. Submerge in boiling water in canner or large stockpot.
10. Boil for 10 minutes.
11. Remove from water and let stand for 24 hours.
12. Remove rims and test for good seal
-Refrigerate after opening.
-Makes approx. 8 cups
That's all!
*** Note: If you can pick your own raspberries, as I can, picking them fully ripe makes a big difference. I pick daily so I can always get them just as they have turned purple. Fully ripe raspberries make the most flavorful jam.

That looks delicious! One of these days when I have more time, I'm going to try making jam!